" Nous venons de voir que pour établir l´équilibre ave une fausse monnaie, il faut en déterminer la quantité. L´équilibre demeure toujours le même; mais le prix varient proportionnellement á cette quantité, que l´on peut fixer arbitrairement. C´est l´essence de la théorie quantitative. Pour qu'elle se vérifie, on voit que deux conditions son nécessaires..." (Vilfredo Pareto. Cours d´économie politique 1896 et 1897).
Infosys Founder Nilekani On the Future of India
India is complex, complicated and very difficult to understand. Yet, it is a fascinating country full of fascinating people. My trip to India was certainly the most revealing and insightful one I have ever made. Who could make sense of it? In this TED Talk, Nandan Nilekani, co-founder of outsourcing pioneer Infosys presents his ideas to help rethink India’s economic and social structure in order to allow it to pursue its phenomenal growth.
Nilekani stepped down from Infosys in mid-2009 to head a three-year government program to provide every Indian with a unique identity card. Prior to that Nilekani had published a book, Imagining India, about India's economy and the crucial issues it will face to reach its economic potential. He proposes a framework to help India maintain its demographic advantage, to promote democracy and education and to protect the environment for the next generations.
In the TED site Thomas Friedman is quoted as saying: "Seattle has Bill. Bangalore has Nandan. What makes Nilekani unique? For me it comes down to one phrase: great explainer."
Nilekani had also exposed many of his ideas and written many insightful comments about economic life in India in his short-lived blog, Nandan's Blog.
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